What Causes Infertility

Infertility is a condition affecting 2.4 Million couples every year. As both men and women are affected, the leading causes of infertility are yet to be isolated and pinpointed. Researches have established that infertility may be due to biological make up, physical conditions and ailments, environmental factors or even emotional stress.

About 40% of infertility cases can be accounted for in women and a variety of causes has been established. These causes can be either or a combination of the following problems: ovulation problems, hormonal imbalance, poor egg quality, conditions like Endometriosis, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (POS), Pelvic Inflammation disorder and female tube blockages.

Making up another 40% of the infertility cases is the male infertility. This has been attributed to low sperm counts, low sperm motility and sperm abnormality, with which primary factors affecting these come from the environment and lifestyle habits. Another major cause identified in male infertility is tubal blockages with which prevents the transport of fertile sperm.

Major Causes of Infertility in Women

Conditions like Endometriosis and Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome accounts for the majority of women infertility cases. Though these conditions do not conclusively cause infertility, they account for more than half of the infertility cases in women. Women exhibiting these conditions experience difficulty in conceiving or carrying a pregnancy to its full term.

Endometriosis is a condition wherein the endometrial tissues grow on organs outside the uterus. These uterine sections grow in the vagina, ovaries, fallopian tubes and pelvis. These implants are said to be caused by menstrual back flows and in turn become cysts that grow with each menstrual cycle. The cysts tend to be in multiples and can create scars and blockages that hinder ovulation and regular menstrual cycles.

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome is the condition that results from an overproduction of male hormones like testosterone causing the follicles to not produce eggs. What are formed are fluid-filled cysts that cover most of the ovaries. Increase in glucose tolerance level emanating from the increase burning of insulin not only increases the risk of diabetes but also affects fertility.

Abnormalities in the ovulation cycle also play a vital role in fertility. The ovulation process may be affected by thyroid problems, overproduction of specific hormones like prolactin and androgens, and lifestyle habits and stress.

Other cervical conditions like stenosis or the narrowing of the cervix and inhospitable cervical mucous, coupled with infections emanating from sexually transmitted diseases will affect a woman’s fertility. If gone untreated for a number of days, these conditions may seriously take a turn for the worst.

Major Causes of Infertility in Men

Problems in sperm count, motility and morphology are the most common reasons for male infertility. They may be unexplained but a number of reasons have been cited to cause sperm quality degradation. Heat to the genitals from tight clothing, hot baths and saunas; stress, and harmful lifestyle habits like excessive alcohol, smoking and drug intake are among those that affect sperm quality.

The following environmental factors and physical ailments may cause infertility in men:

  • Exposure to toxins and radiation
  • Testicular injury, mumps and venereal diseases
  • Testicular failure and hormonal problems
  • Medical illness like diabetes, hypertension and thyroid disorder
  • Male tubal blockages
  • Varicocele

These male tubal blockages are mostly caused by varicoceles. Varicoceles are the varicose veins in the testicles, which can be caused by sexually transmitted diseases like Chlamydia and gonorrhea.

Infertility cases are mostly a combination of both male and female infertility. There are also instances wherein infertility is unexplained. After a full series of fertility test may have been executed and doctors could not identify the exact cause of infertility fall into this category. This kind of infertility are often attributed to one’s being significantly over weight and underweight, excessive stress in both mental and emotional aspects and environmental factors without stable link being established yet.

What will I do next?

There are a lot of factors that can be linked to infertility. However, thorough medical and fertility check ups can help you pinpoint the exact cause and help you plan on specific action plans to take. Fertility experts will guide you on the step by step procedures to cure and overcome infertility.

  • Read all about infertility and the possible causes.
  • Make sure you list all symptoms and possible causes you have in mind so you can help out your fertility expert identify specific causes
  • Read all you can about infertility cures and procedures

Infertility may be a stressful issue in itself, but you can reduce the worries by knowing what is ahead of you and your partner. Talk to a fertility specialist soonest that you can.

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What is Infertility? : A Thorough Definition

Infertility is the inability to conceive or produce offspring, within a period of one year of unprotected sexual intercourse. It is a condition that affects approximately six million American couples or at least 10% of the reproductive age population. This figure has increased to 7.3 Million in 2002and has affected 12% of the total reproductive age population.

Specifically, infertility occurs in both men and women and is defined as the inability to reproduce for a period of six months to one year after unprotected and regular sexual intercourse and without the use of contraceptives.

In medical dictionaries, infertility is categorized into two types: Primary infertility and Secondary infertility.

Primary infertility is the most common kind wherein a couple who has been trying to conceive an offspring for about a year and has not succeeded in any attempt.

Secondary infertility occurs when a woman or a man has already been able to produce an offspring and could not become pregnant again.

For women who are 35 years old and above, infertility is considered when conception does not occur within six months of regular and unprotected sexual intercourse. Recent studies have it that most women who are above 35 years of age and who may have had a history of gynecological and hormonal abnormality will most likely encounter difficulty in conception.

The inability to carry a pregnancy to full term may also characterize infertility and episodes of miscarriages are one of the signs that indicate infertility in a woman. These signs and symptoms that point to different gynecological and hormonal disorders may be the causes of infertility.

These symptoms can range from irregular menstrual cycles, excessive bleeding, intense pelvic pain, recurring infections and pelvic inflammations, painful sexual intercourse, abnormal vaginal discharge and even acne and weight gain and loss.
Some medical and gynecological conditions like Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, wherein multiple cysts grow in ovaries; Endometriosis, in which endometrial tissues grow outside the uterus; and Pelvic Inflammation Disorder, wherein infection of the pelvis and uterine area could affect the fertility of a woman.

Couple these ailments with low sperm count, low sperm motility and inherent biological deficiencies of a man would make conception more challenging. Other causes of infertility that needs to be considered is erectile dysfunction, sexually transmitted infections, tubal blockages and stress.

A number of definitions have been given to infertility but it is to be noted that only a thorough fertility check up can conclusively confirm a man’s or a woman’s fertility status. Infertility may be difficult to overcome but producing an offspring is possible with the aid of multiple fertility procedures available in our medical market.

The causes of infertility need to be considered when seeking medical treatment of infertility. This is necessary to give us a proper understanding of the condition and to approach the circumstance as appropriate.

A series of medications and therapies will be recommended to cure infertility and spur the conception of an offspring. Most couples trying to conceive will opt to undergo IVF, , IUIs, ZIFT and GIFT.

Since these treatments would involve a substantial amount, couples who would want to become pregnant spend a lot of time thinking and searching of alternative medicine.

Alternative Medicine practice believes that the emotional well-being of a person plays a vital role in one’s physical health and fitness.

Among these alternative remedies is acupuncture wherein infertility is treated using very thin needles onto pressure points to relieve stress and pressure. This concept is based on the principle of mind-body relationship, wherein relaxation can instigate the body to return to its normal hormonal and energy equilibrium.

As infertility is often referred to as the condition emanating from a hormonal imbalance, the search for the correct both alternative and traditional medicine revolves around the healing of the body’s specific disorders.

Infertility is defined as a person’s inability to complete the ovulation process and ensure that fertilization and conception will occur. If you think you and your partner may be suffering from this condition, try seeking medical advice from specialized medical practitioners. Recent medical and technological advances have made it possible to overcome infertility.

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Infertility: Signs and Symptoms

The most apparent sign of Infertility is the inability to conceive a child after a year of unprotected intercourse. Infertility is defined as the difficulty to become pregnant after one year of regular and unprotected intercourse and the inability to carry a pregnancy to its full term. More often than not, a couple trying to get pregnant would not know if either one is infertile until they formally get themselves assessed and tested. Another foremost symptom of infertility, other than the inability to conceive, is the history of miscarriages and failed pregnancies. Both men and women can be affected with infertility and the early signs and symptoms of which can be determined by the identifying the symptoms of what causes of infertility. Women who have experienced the following problems may have a higher risk of infertility:

  • Irregular periods
  • Painful menstrual cycles (before, during and after menstruation)
  • Excessive bleeding during periods (Constant heavy flow for more than 4 days)
  • Menstrual cramps, specifically in the pelvic are
  • Painful intercourse
  • Repeated UTI, STDs, and STIs
  • Absence of Period (for three to six months)
  • Less bleeding than normal
  • Excessive Weight Gain/Weight Loss

These symptoms are commonly manifested in ailments other than infertility. That is, women having these problems may not necessarily be infertile and may still be able to conceive a child. The above signs form part of the different causes of infertility: Endometriosis, PIDs, Stenosis, Polycistic Ovarian Syndrome (POS) and Ovulation problems. All of which are ailments that may affect a woman’s fertility.


Endometriosis is a condition in which the endometrial tissue has grown outside the uterus and uterine walls. Once these tissues grow in areas other than the uterus, they become what we call as endometriosis implants and blockages. Often, these tissues will form in fallopian tubes, cervix, vagina, intestines, and other surrounding organs. These deposits of tissues may cause backflow in menstruation and cause fallopian blockages that may in turn hinder ovulation and reproduction. This condition is often characterized by pelvic pain, irregular periods and painful menstrual cramps.


A type of cyst that grows in the ovaries, Polycistic ovarian syndrome is a common factor affecting a woman’s fertility. This condition is caused by a hormonal imbalance resulting in the growth of multiple cysts  in the ovary, in turn causing irregular menstrual periods. This particular problem in ovulation and menstruation will prove to affect the chances of a woman to conceive and carry a child.


Stenosis is the narrowing of the cervix that is caused by scarring or tumors. This condition involves the narrowing of the lowest part of the uterus and proves to be painful. It is a condition characterized by painful intercourse and pelvic pain during menstruation.


Inflammations and infections left untreated may cause serious scarring of the tissues and may affect fertility for both men and women. Either they are symptoms of infertility in themselves or are causes that may lead to infertility. Characterized by their frequency and recurrence, these infections and pelvic inflammations can lead to permanent scarring of the tissues and other immunological problems.

These infections often are accompanied by pain and other complications and infertility is often marked with different disorders and ailments. With or without pain, the main line is the presence of abnormality, whether in excess or less. Men who have experienced hernia, low sperm count, low sperm motility and mumps in their lifetime may be good candidates for infertility.

These signs and symptoms are warning signals that tell us that there is something wrong in our body’s systems. It is important to note that these complications are easier to spot if we learn more about our bodies and our hormonal changes.

Nothing may be final and conclusive until fertility tests are performed and assessments are done. It is important that one should seek the medical advice of a fertility expert and OB-gynecologist for more specifics on the different causes of infertility.

Endometriosis and Infertility

What is Endometriosis?

Endometriosis is a condition wherein Endometrium tissues line not only the inside of the uterus but also the outside of the uterus, the ovary, the fallopian tubes and even the intestines. During menstruation, the body sheds the endometrium lining your uterus, and its growth in areas other than inside your uterus causes irritation of the organs and causes pain.

Who are affected by this condition?

An estimated 30% to 40% of women who suffer from endometriosis are infertile and may not be able to have children. Although the relation of endometriosis and infertility has not yet been thoroughly established, endometriosis cases are more common in infertile women rather than those who are fertile. The reasons being pointed out for the correlation is the presence of masses of tissues and scarring within the pelvis, directly distorting the fallopian tubes, which are necessary for the carrying of ovulated eggs.

Endometriosis causes the anatomic distortion of organs due to pelvic adhesions and other hormonal factors. The increase in hormonal production because of endometriosis affects the ovulation process, fertilization and implantation of the egg and embryo.

Do I have endometriosis?
Spotting endometriosis is difficult without thorough medical assessment. More often than not, women with endometriosis do not experience uncommon symptoms that may help conclude in diagnosing the condition. Among the symptoms exhibited by patients with endometriosis are pelvic and abdominal cramps during menstruation, irregular menstruation and pain during and after sexual intercourse.

One suffering from endometriosis may also experience lower back pain, diarrhea or constipation, and heavy bleeding. These symptoms may be felt and can characterize by normal women without endometriosis or by those suffering from other conditions. Endometriosis can only be confirmed if one undergoes laparoscopy.

Laparoscopy is an out-patient procedure that is necessary to confirm the condition and classify the endometriosis as minimal or extensive, based on the amount of scarring present in the tissues.

Does Endometriosis cause infertility?

Generally, endometriosis affects about 3% to 18% of the women population and is diagnosed in women aging from 25 to 35 years old and is most common in infertile women. What causes endometriosis is still yet to be established, but a theory has it that the endometrial tissues deposited in unlikely areas cause the backflow of menstruation onto the fallopian tubes and abdominal cavity.  This backflow causes scarring of tissues that we have pointed out to play a role in infertility. Blockages by these implants in the fallopian tubes caused by endometriosis will prevent the completion of the ovulation cycle and will minimize the chances of the uterus to properly accommodate the embryo upon conception.

In some rare cases, transfer of endometrial tissues via blood stream, which is caused by surgeries like Cesarean section and causes endometriosis, also affect fertility of a woman by abrasions and scarring caused by these tissues onto the pelvic and uterine walls.

The hormonal changes catapulted by the condition and the growth of multiple cysts or poly-cysts, which in turn causes decrease in fertility.

Endometriosis is usually treated by medications and surgery. In severe cases of endometriosis, surgery is out rightly suggested to increase your chances in getting pregnant. Although your doctor could not give you specific statistics as to how much the chances are to increase nor could he give you an assurance of pregnancy, the surgery will certainly help the endometria go away. With the lessening of endometriosis, hormonal levels are slowly stabilized and restored to normal levels, which will directly contribute to an increase in fertility.

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PCOS and Infertility

Infertility has increased its occurrence over the past years and as a number of reasons are being pointed out, biological make up of both man and woman have proven to play vital roles in the ability to conceive. Infertility is defined as the inability to biologically conceive after six months to a year of unprotected intercourse and/or the inability to carry a full-term pregnancy.

Most of the infertility cases reported have been caused by the condition known as PCOS or Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. PCOS, also known as Stein-Leventhal Syndrome, is a condition caused by hormonal imbalance. Approximately 15% of women in reproductive ages of 15 to 44 is said to be affected by this condition.

The condition which involves the presence of multiple cysts in the ovary directly causes abnormal menstrual cycles, thus affecting the ovulation process. Women with PCOS do not produce enough estrogen and progesterone hormones necessary for ovulation, the follicles containing the egg do not mature and eventually become cysts.

To be diagnosed with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, a woman may have two or three of the following manifestations as defined by the 2003 ESHRE/ASRM consensus conference: Presence of male hormones, abnormal menstrual cycles (irregular menstruations accompanied with pelvic cramps), and ovarian ultrasound revealing cyst formations in the outer and inner ovary.

Women with PCOS produce high insulin and as such, excessive insulin production leads to type II diabetes and increased production of male hormones such as androgen. Insulin resistance for women with PCOS also increases the chances of miscarriage.

Other symptoms of PCOS are being overweight, increasing hair growth in back, chest and face, acne, thinning hair and pelvic pain during and before menstruation.

As women with weight problems are pre-disposed to develop PCOS, weight reduction is the primary suggested treatment. Weight reduction can be very helpful in restoring the normal process of spontaneous ovulation. A reported 5% of the current weight of a woman is what is only needed to be shed in order to directly increase the number of ovulation cycles.

Treatment for ovulation and menstruation problems may be an enduring and long process, but the options are substantial. From fertility drugs to therapy and surgery, PCOS may be reversed and conception is possible.

Your fertility specialist will inform you about the condition and the necessary fertility drugs that you would initially need to take. These medications are aimed to regularize the ovulation and menstruation process and reduce the number of cysts present in the ovary.

To cite, some of the prescriptions and practices to stimulate ovulation, your physician may most likely prescribe CLOMID. Clomid or Clomifine Cetrite, prescribed to be taken a few days early into the cycle. This is to stimulate ovulation and is designed to directly aid in conception. As a number of side effects have been noted with the use of CLOMID, a professional is required to regulate the intake of this drug. It is usually prescribed to a limit of three to six ovulation cycles.

Injectables are also prescribed to promote ovulation. These injectable hormones stimulate the production of eggs and are often combined with IUIs or Intrauterine Insemination for successful conception. As with CLOMID, this process must also be regulated by professional medical practitioners and fertility specialists.

Another option for women with PCOS is the IVF or the invitro fertilization.  PCOS and infertility go hand in hand, and treating one will most likely treat the other. But as PCOS is only one of the many factors affecting infertility, it is advised that one should proceed with a series of fertility tests to determine the actual cause of infertility.

If you have exhibited a handful of the symptoms enumerated above and may suspect that you have PCOS, getting yourself tested for the condition is the most logical thing to do.

Speak with your OB-gyne and request for a fertility work-up in order to understand infertility and learn about the many possibilities to cure the condition.

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Infertility Statistics

In 1995, Center for Disease Control and Prevention reported 6.1 Million women and their partners are suffering from Infertility. By 2002, the figure has ballooned to 7.3 Million.  About 12% of the total couple population, or more than 7 Million couples accounts for the number of couples having difficulties with getting pregnant, including reported male infertility cases. The inability to conceive after a year of unprotected intercourse and the inability to carry a pregnancy into its full term characterize infertility.

Women aging from 15 to 44 are diagnosed with impaired fecundity, a term used for the inability to carry a baby in the uterus once conception occurs, are estimated to have reached 7.3 Million. This translates to an 11.8% of the total women population. 7.4% of the women populace are considered infertile, and are unable to get pregnant. These 2.1 Million women only make up 11.4% of the total women population.

75% of the infertility cases are caused by biological make up such as sperm count problems, ovulation problems and fallopian tube abnormalities. About 25% of the cases are due to complications caused by sexually transmitted diseases resulting from unprotected sex with multiple partners. 10% of the cases are caused by Pelvic Inflammatory Disease.

Of the 7.3 Million women who are suffering from infertility, only 6.1% have sought professional diagnosis and treatment. 4.1% have undergone thorough and multiple fertility tests and only a bit more than 1% have taken medical treatments.

In England, less than 1% of hospital consultations are reported to be due to female infertility and 100% of these consultations required hospital admissions for fertility tests and procedures. Of these reported cases, the mean age for women being affected by infertility is at 35 years of age.

The age of a woman has been reported to be a mitigating factor of infertility. A woman is most fertile at the age of 20 to 32. After 40s, a woman’s chance to conceive is significantly reduced by 37%. At the age of 45, a woman’s fertility dips to a low of 15%. The chances of having complications during pregnancy increase by 30% once a woman gets pregnant at the age of 35.

A biological condition of a woman, like PCOS or Polycistic Ovarian Syndrome, affects about 15% of reproductive age women. Attributed to hormonal imbalance, a woman’s ovaries are riddled with multiple cysts that cause irregular menstrual cycle, thus a repeated disruption of the ovulation cycle.

Other factors contributing to infertility only make up about 20% of the total infertility cases. These external factors are often environment acquired and include use of toxic substances. Men who are diagnosed with infertility are often due to lifestyle practices, and only about 10% of male infertility is caused by biological make up, such as hormonal imbalance resulting to less production of testosterone, consequence of a childhood disease like mumps, and inherent low sperm count.

Stress plays a significant role affecting a person’s fertility. For both men and women, this 20% “external factor” is considered to be the pivotal key affecting a couple’s chance to conceive.

Lifestyle and personal habits like excess alcohol intake, cigarette smoking and intake of medical drugs play a big role in fertility. These components are significant factors affecting sperm count, sperm motility (or ability to move) and sperm shape.

A number of treatments are available in the market.  Ranging from prescriptions like Clomid, fertility procedures like IUI and IVF to alternative medicine, like acupuncture, these treatments increase the chances of getting pregnant once infertility is diagnosed. It is still high at the average of 45% success rate.

A lot of individual variability is to be considered in reading statistics onto the success of infertility treatment. It is important to note that the earlier infertility is diagnosed, the better are the chances to conception.

Numerous options and procedures are at hand to help you overcome infertility and help you build a family of your own. Speak with your fertility specialist and learn more about the options available for you and your partner and have clearer understanding on the numbers we have presented herein.

Acupuncture and Infertility

Learning about Acupuncture.

Acupuncture is an age-old traditional Chinese medicine that was first introduced and integrated into medicinal practices thousands of years ago. It is widely performed in the Orient, and was later on introduced to the West, specifically the Americas at a later time. It has been proven to promote health and wellness, alleviate suffering and pain and cure different ailments experienced by man.

Acupuncture is founded upon the principles and concepts of “vital energy”, “mind and body balance” and “energy balance”. This is done by inserting small and sterile, very thin needles onto pressure points or commonly referred to as “acupoints’. This practice aims to help the body heal itself by infusing and bringing back revitalized energy.

Understanding Infertility.

Infertility is a condition affecting both men and women. It is the inability to conceive even after one year of intercourse without the use of contraceptive pills. It may also be the woman’s inability to carry a baby to full term, resulting to miscarriage. A number of causes have been pointed out as factors resulting in infertility, including a woman’s age, menstrual cycle, ovulation difficulties, man’s low sperm count, erectile dysfunction and sexually transmitted infections, tubal blockage, and even stress.

A leading cause of infertility among women is PCOS or Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. PCOS is a hormonal disorder, which disrupts the normal ovulation cycle of a woman. This hormonal imbalance results to the growth of multiple cysts in the ovary and lessens the possibility of a woman to carry a pregnancy to its full term.

Can acupuncture help treat infertility?

The other factors affecting infertility are outside the biological make up of both partners. It can be external factors like lifestyle, habits and environment. These can be excessive alcohol intake, heavy smoking, stress and extreme pressure. A thorough understanding on the ovulation process of a woman and reduction of the stress level will help a couple increase their chances in conception.

For couples who are undergoing IVF, traditional medicinal practice of acupuncture is given strong recommendations. Though the idea of acupuncture treating infertility is still debatable, the statistics show that it is an alternative medicine that is preferred as a complementary therapy to modern fertility treatment.

As acupuncture focuses on the body’s totality by helping it recover its energy balance. Acupuncture regulates the body’s system, encourages proper blood flow to reproductive organs and regulates the hormonal levels for both men and women.

Recent studies have indicated that women who adhere to the practice of acupuncture at least half an hour before and after embryo transfer has increased chances in conception. This is thoroughly explained by the increase blood flow to the uterine, which indicatively relaxes the muscles of the uterus, making it susceptible for embryo growth. Additionally, acupuncture promotes overall relaxation that directly reduces the physical and emotional stress the woman undergoes during IVFs.

Alternative Medicine practice believes that the emotional well-being of a person plays a vital role in one’s physical health and fitness.

Is Acupuncture Right for You?

Acupuncture is a safe procedure, with no known history of side effects and contraindications. When you decide to go through alternative medicine in treating infertility by adhering to acupuncture practice, it is important to note the following:

  • Find a licensed acupuncturist so as to ensure the safety of the procedure. You must know that only a licensed acupuncturist can identify correctly the median points or “acupoints.” They use sterile needles so as to avoid infections and other complications.
  • Speak with your fertility specialist about complementing your medical procedure with acupuncture. It is important to know the basics of your treatment so as to prevent encountering of grey areas.
  • Read and learn about acupuncture. Do not be afraid to research and ask questions about alternative medicine. It is for your own benefit that you study any procedure you and your partner will be undergoing to help you conceive.
  • Remember to relax during acupuncture therapy. The goal of this procedure is to regulate your body’s energy and blood circulation naturally and painlessly. Acupuncture will further help you relax and forget about the upcoming major procedures like IVFs.

Infertility Insurance

Many couples are encountering challenges in getting pregnant and infertility diagnosis is done after a number of tests and procedures are performed by your doctor and fertility specialist. What we call a fertility work-up will consist of physical examinations and laboratory tests to determine the cause of infertility and will most likely include lifestyle inquisitions, sexual habits and family history. Once diagnosed, infertility treatments ranging from IVFs, IUI, ZIFT and GIFT are available for couples trying to conceive.

How much will I invest in these fertility treatments?

Every woman requires a unique fertility plan and this may require individualized treatment packages. Most fertility health centers have fertility packages that cater to both the fertility needs and financial limits of the patient. However, most insurance companies do not carry coverage on packages but covers individual procedure. You may speak with your fertility center administration to help you maximize your insurance health and fertility coverage.

An IVF cycle costs range from USD 4,000 to USD 12,500, excluding IVF Drug fees. It’s no wonder that most couples without fertility treatment plans would opt to give up on conceiving a child.

What is Infertility Insurance?

Fortunately, infertility insurance is now being offered by a number of insurance providers. If you are employed, discuss fertility insurance coverage with your employer and health care provider to learn the facts of your coverage. Infertility insurance is a kind of health insurance that covers fertility diagnosis and treatments including IUI and IVFs, artificial insemination and other assisted reproductive technology.

With a minimal monthly premium, infertility insurance gives you coverage on specific fertility treatments, provide refund programs and allow you access to financing avenues to help you conceive.

What to look for in choosing an Infertility Insurance Plan?

Make sure that your infertility insurance covers foremost all the diagnostic tests. Getting pregnant is a difficult process, and getting diagnosed of infertility equally indicates a long journey as well. Your insurer must be able to cover your regular trips to your fertility specialist for consultations, as well as diagnostic tests to determine the causes of infertility and pinpoint which ART you should be undergoing.

Is Infertility Insurance mandated by Law?

Infertility Insurance coverage depends on the state where you are residing. Some places in the United States mandate the coverage of fertility treatment, albeit with some restrictions. It is important to check the specific laws governing fertility insurance as most states require employers with more than 50 employees to provide infertility coverage for their workers.

To cite, California Law requires infertility insurance, covering infertility diagnosis and treatment but excludes IVF.  In Illinois, comprehensive insurance coverage is being offered by insurance companies including up to four IVF procedures and mandates this coverage to employers with more than twenty-five workers.

Am I qualified to be covered?

Generally, Insurance providers require specific qualifications for people to be included in the coverage. Most of the time, one should be at a policy holder of at least a year, less than 40 years old, and has been struggling to conceive for the past year to five years.

In some states that do not mandate infertility insurance coverage, specific qualifications for available insurance coverage will differ from one provider to another. It is important to note the differences, even with states that mandate coverage, and learn to weigh the pros and cons of each policy.

Infertility Treatment may be a long and difficult journey, but the planning out conception by knowing your rights and learning more about your insurance coverage will help you alleviate the financial and emotional stress that comes along with infertility treatment.

Your specialist may be able to recommend the best insurance policy that will suit your needs and your specific treatment requirements.  Most fertility health centers provide free counseling and advice on fertility treatment packages and insurance cover packages.

Do not hesitate to learn about infertility insurance by checking your state’s laws, and employers’ insurance health coverage and compare other insurance policies with your existing one.

Infertility Information

The greatest joy in life is to become a parent and share your life with a child.  Unfortunately for some people becoming pregnant is difficult.  Infertility is defined by the inability to biologically conceive after a year of regular intercourse or carry a pregnancy to full term.

The majority of infertility problems lie with the woman.  There are many different causes of infertility but more then half of the cases of infertility are a result of female conditions.  The rest of the cases are due to sperm disorders in the man or even unexplained causes.  In order for a woman to become pregnant, her body needs to menstruate properly.  A very common cause of infertility is due to ovulation problems.  Women can also have tubal blockage, uterine problems and previous tubal ligation which can cause a woman to be infertile.

A woman’s age has a major role in how fertile they are.  The ability to conceive naturally decreases over time as part of the normal aging process.  Women lose about 1000 eggs each month.  Plus, conditions like PCOS, endometriosis or certain sexually transmitted diseases worsen over time and can eventually lead to infertility.

Another major cause of infertility is Pelcic Inflammatory Disease (PID).  PID is an extremely serious pelvic inflammation that is caused by leaving vaginal or cervical infections untreated like chlamydia or gonorrhea.  Scarring which can block fallopian tubes occurs when bacteria makes it way up through the uterus and into the fallopian tubes, ovaries and surrounding tissues.  However, after treatment for PID, pregnancy is often accomplished through IVF.

One of the leading causes of infertility is polycystic ovarian syndrome which is a hormonal disorder.  PCOS disrupts the woman’s normal ovulation cycle.  An inability to ovulate or ovulating irregularly is the cause of infertility in women with PCOS.  Although, PCOS is treatable through medications like Metformin which reduces symptoms associated with PCOS by helping the body’s ability to absorb insulin therefore correcting hormone levels.

Hormone levels should also be checked if a couple is having a hard time conceiving.  Hormones are produced by the hypothalamus, pancreas, ovaries, testes and the pituitary, adrenal and thyroid glands.  Diseases that affect any of these things can lead to infertility as well.

While there are several medical reasons which cause infertility, the couple also has to look at their lifestyle for causes of infertility.  Things like smoking, consuming too much alcohol or illegal substance, weight issues, sexually transmitted diseases or even too much stress or exercise are all factors which cause infertility.

Trying to conceive can be a very stressful thing for a couple if it does not happen right away.  Doctors are unable to diagnose any specific infertility problems within the woman or the man.  They are labeled as unexplained infertility.  Most of the time, the couple just needs to lighten the pressure and get a better understanding of when the woman is ovulating in order to make their dreams of a family come true.  The most important thing to remember is to get rid of the stress.