What is Infertility? : A Thorough Definition

Infertility is the inability to conceive or produce offspring, within a period of one year of unprotected sexual intercourse. It is a condition that affects approximately six million American couples or at least 10% of the reproductive age population. This figure has increased to 7.3 Million in 2002and has affected 12% of the total reproductive age population.

Specifically, infertility occurs in both men and women and is defined as the inability to reproduce for a period of six months to one year after unprotected and regular sexual intercourse and without the use of contraceptives.

In medical dictionaries, infertility is categorized into two types: Primary infertility and Secondary infertility.

Primary infertility is the most common kind wherein a couple who has been trying to conceive an offspring for about a year and has not succeeded in any attempt.

Secondary infertility occurs when a woman or a man has already been able to produce an offspring and could not become pregnant again.

For women who are 35 years old and above, infertility is considered when conception does not occur within six months of regular and unprotected sexual intercourse. Recent studies have it that most women who are above 35 years of age and who may have had a history of gynecological and hormonal abnormality will most likely encounter difficulty in conception.

The inability to carry a pregnancy to full term may also characterize infertility and episodes of miscarriages are one of the signs that indicate infertility in a woman. These signs and symptoms that point to different gynecological and hormonal disorders may be the causes of infertility.

These symptoms can range from irregular menstrual cycles, excessive bleeding, intense pelvic pain, recurring infections and pelvic inflammations, painful sexual intercourse, abnormal vaginal discharge and even acne and weight gain and loss.
Some medical and gynecological conditions like Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, wherein multiple cysts grow in ovaries; Endometriosis, in which endometrial tissues grow outside the uterus; and Pelvic Inflammation Disorder, wherein infection of the pelvis and uterine area could affect the fertility of a woman.

Couple these ailments with low sperm count, low sperm motility and inherent biological deficiencies of a man would make conception more challenging. Other causes of infertility that needs to be considered is erectile dysfunction, sexually transmitted infections, tubal blockages and stress.

A number of definitions have been given to infertility but it is to be noted that only a thorough fertility check up can conclusively confirm a man’s or a woman’s fertility status. Infertility may be difficult to overcome but producing an offspring is possible with the aid of multiple fertility procedures available in our medical market.

The causes of infertility need to be considered when seeking medical treatment of infertility. This is necessary to give us a proper understanding of the condition and to approach the circumstance as appropriate.

A series of medications and therapies will be recommended to cure infertility and spur the conception of an offspring. Most couples trying to conceive will opt to undergo IVF, , IUIs, ZIFT and GIFT.

Since these treatments would involve a substantial amount, couples who would want to become pregnant spend a lot of time thinking and searching of alternative medicine.

Alternative Medicine practice believes that the emotional well-being of a person plays a vital role in one’s physical health and fitness.

Among these alternative remedies is acupuncture wherein infertility is treated using very thin needles onto pressure points to relieve stress and pressure. This concept is based on the principle of mind-body relationship, wherein relaxation can instigate the body to return to its normal hormonal and energy equilibrium.

As infertility is often referred to as the condition emanating from a hormonal imbalance, the search for the correct both alternative and traditional medicine revolves around the healing of the body’s specific disorders.

Infertility is defined as a person’s inability to complete the ovulation process and ensure that fertilization and conception will occur. If you think you and your partner may be suffering from this condition, try seeking medical advice from specialized medical practitioners. Recent medical and technological advances have made it possible to overcome infertility.

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