Infertility: Signs and Symptoms

The most apparent sign of Infertility is the inability to conceive a child after a year of unprotected intercourse. Infertility is defined as the difficulty to become pregnant after one year of regular and unprotected intercourse and the inability to carry a pregnancy to its full term. More often than not, a couple trying to get pregnant would not know if either one is infertile until they formally get themselves assessed and tested. Another foremost symptom of infertility, other than the inability to conceive, is the history of miscarriages and failed pregnancies. Both men and women can be affected with infertility and the early signs and symptoms of which can be determined by the identifying the symptoms of what causes of infertility. Women who have experienced the following problems may have a higher risk of infertility:

  • Irregular periods
  • Painful menstrual cycles (before, during and after menstruation)
  • Excessive bleeding during periods (Constant heavy flow for more than 4 days)
  • Menstrual cramps, specifically in the pelvic are
  • Painful intercourse
  • Repeated UTI, STDs, and STIs
  • Absence of Period (for three to six months)
  • Less bleeding than normal
  • Excessive Weight Gain/Weight Loss

These symptoms are commonly manifested in ailments other than infertility. That is, women having these problems may not necessarily be infertile and may still be able to conceive a child. The above signs form part of the different causes of infertility: Endometriosis, PIDs, Stenosis, Polycistic Ovarian Syndrome (POS) and Ovulation problems. All of which are ailments that may affect a woman’s fertility.


Endometriosis is a condition in which the endometrial tissue has grown outside the uterus and uterine walls. Once these tissues grow in areas other than the uterus, they become what we call as endometriosis implants and blockages. Often, these tissues will form in fallopian tubes, cervix, vagina, intestines, and other surrounding organs. These deposits of tissues may cause backflow in menstruation and cause fallopian blockages that may in turn hinder ovulation and reproduction. This condition is often characterized by pelvic pain, irregular periods and painful menstrual cramps.


A type of cyst that grows in the ovaries, Polycistic ovarian syndrome is a common factor affecting a woman’s fertility. This condition is caused by a hormonal imbalance resulting in the growth of multiple cysts  in the ovary, in turn causing irregular menstrual periods. This particular problem in ovulation and menstruation will prove to affect the chances of a woman to conceive and carry a child.


Stenosis is the narrowing of the cervix that is caused by scarring or tumors. This condition involves the narrowing of the lowest part of the uterus and proves to be painful. It is a condition characterized by painful intercourse and pelvic pain during menstruation.


Inflammations and infections left untreated may cause serious scarring of the tissues and may affect fertility for both men and women. Either they are symptoms of infertility in themselves or are causes that may lead to infertility. Characterized by their frequency and recurrence, these infections and pelvic inflammations can lead to permanent scarring of the tissues and other immunological problems.

These infections often are accompanied by pain and other complications and infertility is often marked with different disorders and ailments. With or without pain, the main line is the presence of abnormality, whether in excess or less. Men who have experienced hernia, low sperm count, low sperm motility and mumps in their lifetime may be good candidates for infertility.

These signs and symptoms are warning signals that tell us that there is something wrong in our body’s systems. It is important to note that these complications are easier to spot if we learn more about our bodies and our hormonal changes.

Nothing may be final and conclusive until fertility tests are performed and assessments are done. It is important that one should seek the medical advice of a fertility expert and OB-gynecologist for more specifics on the different causes of infertility.