Infertility Groups

Infertility diagnosis will often still come as a shock to couples who have been trying to conceive for months. The fact that you and your partner have been diagnosed with infertility will undoubtedly be difficult to deal with during the first few months thereafter.

However, the availability of Infertility Support Groups will help you and your partner understand thoroughly infertility, its causes and nature, the available treatments and therapies, provide information on laws and regulations surrounding the treatments, and medical insurance coverage and medical experts. These support groups will also help you emotionally to come into terms with the condition.

Learning about Support Groups

Support groups are composed of men and women who share similar issues, conditions and/or problems. These groups are formed to provide a venue for grievances, concerns, emotions, apprehensions and information regarding resources, treatments and innovations. They usually consist of more than three people that provide mutual assistance to a number of people. There are support groups for people suffering from depression, alcohol and substance abuse, shopping or spending abuse, various addictions, eating disorders and yes, infertility.

Infertility Support Groups

Initially, it may be difficult for you and your partner to decide on joining an infertility support group. The most common reaction after the diagnosis is to be in denial or to retreat to privacy and joining an infertility group is rarely the first thing that will come into mind. This is perfectly normal and is nothing to be ashamed about. But you might also want to note the advantages of joining an infertility support group:

  • Emotional Support: To know that a number of other couples are experiencing the same condition. Joining an infertility group allows you to interact with people who have experienced the same or similar situations and incidents as you and your partner may have.
  • Networking: A chance to learn more about the different treatments and therapies available and to expand your sources on the numerous medical experts who would be able to help you.
  • Information Haven: Support groups are most likely and most often are updated in the different medical advances that help in conception. They offer variety of information regarding from medical help and technologies available, the different laws and regulations that support the treatment, medical insurance coverage and the numerous How To’s in the area.
  • Resource Library: If you want to learn more about infertility and your different options, these support groups have books, pamphlets and even articles with which you can either borrow or buy. Read up on your concerns and your support group would also be available for discussions.

Finding an Infertility Group

Finding an infertility group that is right for you and/or your partner may take a bit of time to come across. However, there are numerous groups available; ranging from groups run by the Church, charities, private organizations, large organizations, trained social workers and are even available online.

Speak to your fertility specialist or medical adviser regarding your desire to join an infertility support group. He may be able to provide you with a listing of the different groups available. National Fertility Organizations, your local health care provider and even medical insurance companies may be able to refer you to an infertility support group that you would like to join.

Whether it will be days, weeks or months, the infertility groups do not put exclusivities and time frames to your stay. You can join the group as long as you feel right in doing so and you can leave when you feel that you already want to move forward. If you feel like giving your time and ear to people who experience the same experiences as you do, it would be greatly appreciated as well.

Apart from the information, resources and network that you will be gaining in joining an infertility group, it will be most likely that you gain hope and understanding in what you’re going through and the most unlikely friendships may be forged.

The next time you’re feeling alone in your fertility journey, and having difficulty in forming decisions regarding fertility treatment, therapies and other options, try considering an infertility group. There is bound to be one in your local area.

Infertility Tests

Why undergo Infertility Tests?

To help us find out the reasons behind our failed attempts to become pregnant, infertility tests are to be performed. These tests will include your general history or background, physical examination, semen analysis, blood tests and a number of special procedures. Your reproductive specialist will encourage you to try fertility awareness methods wherein we learn to understand the ovulation process and the best time to become pregnant.

These infertility tests are often suggested if a couple is experiencing physical problem pertaining to ejaculation and ovulation; has had unprotected sexual intercourse for over six months and conception has not occurred; or if a series of attempted pregnancies have resulted to miscarriage.

It may take a number of infertility tests before a cause can be determined, and they also offer no assurance that infertility may be cured. As these tests come in dozens, it is important to consider the affordability of the procedures. You and your partner should discuss the amount of testing both of you would want to partake in, and be ready for the amount of effort, commitment and money that will be involved.

Infertility Tests for Women

Fertility evaluations for women are recommended for women, four of these are the basics identified as: Hormonal evaluation; X-ray of uterus and fallopian tubes; post-coital examination and transvaginal ultrasound of the pelvis.

Hormonal evaluations are done to measure hormone levels and identify any problems in the ovulation process. Blood and urine tests will also be performed to check your LH (Luteinizing hormone) and progesterone levels.  These kinds of tests will also be done to check on thyroid and pituitary hormones.

Another infertility test via hormonal testing used to evaluate the egg quality and the smoothness of the ovulation process is the Ovarian Reserve Testing. This kind of testing is done to determine effectiveness of eggs after ovulation.

Physical examinations including Pelvic examination and Pap Smear will also be performed. These are to evaluate the condition of the uterus. Another thorough examination called Hysterosalpingography evaluates the condition of both your uterus and fallopian tubes. This procedure involves the injection of fluid into the uterus and an X-ray is performed on the uterus, to determine if there is a presence of blockages that causes failed ovulation.

Laparoscopy is another procedure that is used to test the condition of the uterus. Unlike other procedures, Laparoscopy involves the use of general anesthesia wherein a thin viewing device will be inserted into your abdomen and pelvis to check on your fallopian tubes, uterus and ovaries.

Infertility Tests for Men

There are also four basic tests for the male partners who have normal reproductive function: Semen Analysis which include sperm count and sperm quality evaluation; General Physical examination; Hormone testing and Transrectal and scrotal ultrasound.

As with women, general physical evaluation will be done. Genitals examination, medical history evaluation including current ailments and medications and sexual habits will be done. Once various infertility causes have been ruled out after this exam, males will be subjected to semen analysis wherein sperm quality will be evaluated.

Semen Analysis will involve one or multiple semen samples to be analyzed for quantity, color, and presence of infections and blood. From these tests, sperm count, motility (movement) and shape will be examined.

Hormonal Testing for men will be done by your medical adviser. Testosterone and multiple hormones control sperm production and to test the hormonal levels will pinpoint the specific causes of male infertility.

The Transrectal and Scrotal Ultrasound will identify the problem of getting sperm across for conception. Most men don’t have problems in producing sperm, however blockages may be present and abnormal sperm flow may be due to retrograde ejaculation, absence of vas deferens and blockages, and Anti-sperm antibodies.

If you and your partner have been trying to conceive for over six months and think you may be suffering from infertility, it is best to speak with your medical adviser about the condition. Getting a thorough understanding on infertility could help us decide on the following courses of actions to take. A number of treatments and medical innovations are now available to help us overcome infertility and it is important that we find the best option for us.